Staff Development

Staff Development

Training confident leaders and developing top performers

Workplace Human Resources and Employment Law Sessions

It’s imperative for Human Resources Managers and all other supervisors to understand employment law. We’ll train your Managers to navigate common workplace issues they’re likely to encounter in a management role.

BC4HR Training Session Topics:

Prevention of Sexual Harassment: 3 tracks available (Exclusive to BC4HR): Employee, Manager, and Executive. Our training is catered to the position level and covers the steps for filing and handling sexual harassment claims.

Manager Employment Law Sessions: We teach your Managers the employment law knowledge they need, to do their jobs confidently. They will walk away understanding Federal and State employment law fundamentals and the reasoning behind them.

Performance Management Training: Managers learn how to conduct effective performance review meetings and master important topics like which competencies to measure, preparing a development message, and creating a disciplinary message.

Staff Development to Help Employees Succeed

BC4HR coaching helps your Managers become effective leaders to keep operations and human resources running smoothly. Our Individual Career Development Plan Sessions are customized based on employee level, department, and unique career requirements.

BC4HR trainings are catered to your specific organizational needs. Please allow 2 weeks for us to perfect your company-specific training & development course.

Ready to elevate your staff development? Request a BC4HR training today.

Please visit Cathy Bucher’s LinkedIn profile for more information about Cathy, Founder and Principal of San Diego’s BC4HR.