
EEOC Publishes Updated COVID Guidance

As workplaces resume in-person operations, or at least consider doing so, there are many questions about the rules and requirements. However, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has published a lengthy Q&A to help make sure everyone knows how to proceed. Managers and employees may want to review the entire document, but can get started with […]

IRS Adjusts HSA Limits for 2022

As it does each year, the IRS has announced changes for health savings accounts, which are associated with high-deductible health plans. The figures for 2022: Self-only: $3,650 (a $50 increase from 2021). Family: $7,300 (a $100 increase from 2021). According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the government bases its decision on the Consumer […]

Reskilling and Upskilling: Employee Retention Tools

The pandemic taught business owners many unexpected things. Chief among them was the ability to adapt and change quickly. Businesses that preferred old-school, in-person commerce before 2020 were forced into a sudden shift during the first lockdown, adopting dozens of types of software for e-commerce and remote productivity practically overnight. And it worked out for […]

Employers Get Tax Breaks for Vaccination Leave

Small and midsize employers, and certain governmental employers, can claim refundable tax credits that reimburse them for the cost of providing paid sick and family leave to their employees due to COVID-19, including leave taken by employees to receive or recover from COVID-19 vaccinations. These credits are available to eligible employers that pay sick and […]

Back to the Office? Not So Fast…

Lockdown restrictions are lifting and in-person offices are feasible once more. But the news is being handled differently from one company to the next. Business owners need to consider what their workers want before they start planning for how — or whether — they will return to a physical office. Three recent surveys show that […]

Ethical Behavior in the Workplace, Everything You Should Know

Everything You (HR Manager or Employee) Should Know About Ethical Behavior in the Workplace In the workplace, ethical behavior is the legal and moral code guiding all employee behavior and culture. Being a successful professional requires more than just wearing a nice suit and tie, of course. Business leaders need to set clear guidelines for […]

COVID-19 and California Employment Law: 4 Advantages to Hiring HR Support Services

Advantages to Hiring HR Support Services for Navigating Covid Are you wondering if your California based business could benefit from HR support services? There are tons of benefits that come with hiring an outsourced HR team consultant to help you improve the functioning of your business. Hiring local HR services can help you navigate employment […]

10 FSLA Mistakes You don’t want to make

All Human Resources Managers have a responsibility to their organization and their employees to full understand the guidelines of FSLA. In our mission to support your role as the Human Resource Manager, we have outlined the 10 biggest mistakes we have seen lead companies into class action lawsuits. Don’t make these FSLA mistakes! Providing Compensatory […]

Can Employees Discuss Wages with eachother?

It’s tempting for employers to put rules in the company handbook informing employees that they are prohibited from discussing wages and benefits with coworkers. Such policies often warn employees that violators will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. But prohibiting employees from discussing wages and pay is an illegal practice. The California […]

What is the Voluntary Classification Settlement Program?

The Voluntary Classification Settlement Program is a new optional program that provides employers with an opportunity to reclassify their workers as employees whom they have previously treated as independent contractors. The employer will be required to pay only a fraction of the federal employment taxes that it would have owed for the workers if they […]